(-20s with windchill is not my ideal running weather), I did take some very positive steps forward in an effort to clean up my eating habits. I was fortunate that my 6 week "Food Free-For-All" didn't have a significant impact on the number on the scale, but it really gave me a kick in the ass energy-wise.
So, with the exception of a couple of drinks at Friday Night Wine Book Club, I did pretty well with my eating this week. (The food journaling habit seems to be taking a while to kick in though). I am also working really hard at kicking my "on-again, off-again" love affair with diet coke, which had returned to a passionate "on-again" relationship of late.
Even though I didn't get out for my planned runs this week (I'm still blaming the weather...), I did manage to sneak in some workouts in my basement thanks to some old favourite workout DVDs video tapes. (How retro!!) I promised myself that, no matter the weather, I was going to get out for a run this weekend. I am trying to re-establish a solid 5K base so that I can start working the "Bridge to 10K" program.
I had trouble choosing an outfit that would solve the old "Not too hot, hot too cold" conundrum, (I had thought that -3 would feel like BIKINI weather after what we had to endure last week. Not so), but eventually I settled on something. Makenna decided to join me as well for her first run since the December 1st Santa Shuffle. (Yay!) We planned on a 4K+ route in our neighbourhood and headed out around 1pm with the sun blazing.
It felt REALLY good to get back out there. Everything seemed to come together and it was as if I hadn't taken 6 weeks off to Eat, Drink and be Merry. After the first 2K I overheated and had to take off my jacket, but overall this run felt totally fantastic. No cramps, no side stitches, no knee pain. I am also FINALLY closing in on a 7 mins/km pace. I couldn't help but think that this may have had something a lot to do with how well I ate during the week and how well hydrated I was. I have heard it, I have read it, I have even preached it to my Weight Watchers members, but I definitely experienced it today - you are what you eat. Everything you put into your body is fuel and your engine runs so much better on premium fuel than the crappy, over-processed, low-grade fuel that we so often find in fast food restaurants and the frozen food aisle.
I've noticed that a lot of my Facebook friends are embracing the "Paleo" style of eating. In short, you eat only foods that would have been available during the "Paleolithic Era". If a caveman ate it, you're good to go. If not, steer clear. Really, this style of eating makes a lot of sense to me - good, clean, wholesome eating. Nothing packaged, nothing processed. I'm not quite sure if I could adopt this diet for the long haul (No Grains! No Dairy! No Chocolate!), but I'm contemplating adding in a week of Paleo-style eating maybe once every month or so just to see how it affects my training.
Looking ahead to this week, I have 3 quick 4K runs scheduled during the week as well as my "long run" on Sunday. (My long run is currently only 6K, but we all have to start somewhere). Add in a yoga class and a couple of my vintage home workouts and I should start seeing my energy levels returning to their former glory sooner rather than later.
Until we eat again,
J :)